Maruichi Rubber Co., Ltd.
Haruoka Maruyama
  24,000 Thousand yen
2-36 Jinbotyo, Kanda, Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo
PostCode 101-0051
TEL 03-3265-0011 FAX 03-3264-0056
  Suwa Plant, Takekawa Plant
4600 Shimoganeko, Nakasu, Suwa-shi,Nagano
PostCode 392-0015
TEL 0266-52-6150 FAX 0266-58-8801


  Precision Equipment Parts: With our unique production techniques we consistently provide ultra-high precision, high-performance rubber products to manufacturers of precision equipment, as well as electronics and optical equipment. We challenge ourselves to realize today the high technology of the future.
Automotive Parts: Our goal is to create an enjoyable "travelling environment" for the motorist. With this in mind, we develop our automotive parts and equipment to ensure a pleasant and safe driving experience.
Industrial Equipment Parts: We support rapidly advancing and expanding manufacturers of industrial equipment by providing high-precision, low-cost rubber parts, right from initial development through to mass production.